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Milky Green Undead of the Night “Travel with Me” Acrylic Stick

Milky Green Undead of the Night “Travel with Me” Acrylic Stick

Regular price $0.65 USD
Regular price $0.74 USD Sale price $0.65 USD
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明前奶绿夜的亡灵「带我去旅行」亚克力打卡棒,下单后约 15 天由柔造从中国大陆发货
  • 尺寸:高度约 6cm,厚度 3.5mm(夹层 1mm + 2.5mm)。打卡棒长度约  8cm
  • 工艺:夹层 UV
  • 材质:透明亚克力板材
  • 物料成本:¥3.4
  • 画师:NiuJun(所用素材已取得商业授权)
  • 上架日期:May 13, 2024
  • 参考形象 © 明前奶绿
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